The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, hearing Me is definitely a wonderful occurrence. But you can always FEEL me, without any need for the spoken word. Feeling my Presence is truly part of our relationship as you are learning to sense my energy signature and the ones of your beloved support team. Feelings are beyond words which can so easily be misconstrued and misunderstood as they can only be received and interpreted based on your current development. Love is a reality, a reality that each creature without exception is longing to experience as it is the essence of All that Is.

“Your lungs crave the oxygen that they have been created to inhale so as to be able to survive in this world. Your spiritual Higher Self craves the love of the Father that it has been created to receive in order to eternally survive. As long as you crave love, you have not yet experienced it to its fullness. Satisfaction comes when your longings are truly fulfilled, when your being is completely open to receive to its full capacity the love of the Father.

“Keep expanding your heart capacity. It can be done by constant effort and longing, just the same way a diver can expand his lung capacity by constant practice and pushing himself to his limits. Many limitations are temporary limitations, having in themselves the potential to be pushed further and further. This is what growth is all about. A seed expands more and more as it unfolds its precious cargo and brings it to full bloom. A heart too is like a seed which, if cared for with TLC, can come to full bloom and truly ravish whatever and whomever it comes into contact with.

“Keep sharing your love and your heart will keep expanding and become able to contain more and more of that precious life giving elixir. Love is truly magical as it is the highest possible trigger there is to bring about heart openings in others. True love is irresistible and addictive, the best addiction there is.

“My love is with you, dear one and I do gratefully receive your love.”

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