The Inner Sherpa



“Love is the ancestor of all spiritual goodness, the essence of the true and the beautiful.” [UB 2047:05]

Thought Adjuster: “There are indeed three vital ingredients to Love. If the requirements of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness are not met, then you do not experience genuine Love. Let us look at each one of these qualifiers.

“Love without truth is insincere and merely amount to lip service—not heartfelt allegiance. Love without goodness is an impossibility, as to love is to wish the best to others. As well, Love imparts its beautiful telltale glow to the lovers—its energy signature.

“This trinity of attributes is what defines Love and empowers it with an irresistible power of attraction. It is what Jesus exemplified during His life to the point of surrendering it for the sake of His loved ones. His love did not end with His death, as Love is eternal!

“What is the quality and life expectancy of your love? Does it display a freshness date or is it undying? Is Love your reliable go-to Referee in your decision-making process? How resourceful are you in finding new avenues for its expression? Indeed, love has to be expressed by its very nature. Repressed love renders it claustrophobic. Genuine love is only sustainable when reciprocated and circulated.

“Dear ones, yours is to find the inner blockages that prevent love to flow freely through you. Love is the reason and purpose of your existence—its driving force. Focus on love and its basic requirements. Practice love in small things to prime the larger opening of your heart. You will get addicted to this sublime Love Substance and all its associated freebies. Indeed, to be loving is to be alive and well.”

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