The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Jesus’ outpoured Spirit of Truth could also be called Spirit of Authenticity. A human heart engaged in an ‘honest-to-God’ quest for truth cannot but grow in its capacity to interact with the living Spirit of Truth.

“This spiritual influence dwells within the human heart, the home base from which it appeals to the human mind. Not the other way around. Truth has to find deep resonance within the heart to prompt it to take loving and God-centered actions. Such was the way Jesus led His life.

“His Spirit of Truth is all-inclusive of the highest values of Beauty and Goodness. It is what Divine Truth is all about. You could say that it is a highly emotionally charged Revelator, as it is love-infused—the emotion of the highest frequencies.

“The truth imparted by Jesus was always mitigated with the vital element of love and its byproducts of compassion and mercy. Even His final appeal to the antagonistic Pharisees and religious leaders was motivated by His genuine desire to trigger in them last-minute and soul-saving conversion experiences.

“Let your heart and mind bask in the inner warmth of such a friendly Mentor. It will unerringly lead you to greener spiritual pastures to fatten your soul and foster its fecundity so that it may yield a rich crop of the fruits of Spirit.”

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