The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear Child, let us talk today about what it means to be “grounded.” As a human being living in a carnal form, you spend the first part of your eternal existence on a material world. Gravity is what allows you to be connected with Mother Earth. Gravity is like the lead boots that allow deep sea divers to walk on the sea bottom.

“However, you are foremost spiritual beings destined to live on in higher spiritual realms and eventually beyond time and space. Your physical body is the first “suit” of your evolution. It is to you what the cocoon is to the butterfly. It is meant to provide you with a “spiritual incubation period.” This is what your planetary life is. As long as you are subjected to the forces of gravity, you are like caterpillars crawling on the surface of the planet. Your body is the Petri dish of your embryonic soul.

“It is very important in the process of awakening that this fact becomes clear to humanity as so many individuals are looking at things from the wrong perspective. Yes, your bodies are visible—but they will one day return to dust. For those who live merely on the level of their physical senses, there won’t be much of lasting value to take with them when they cross the veil of transition into the next levels of their existence. Just like a premature baby has to spend time in an incubator in order to give him additional time to develop to the fullness of its being, such underdeveloped souls will have to also bee “fattened” in order to become weightier and better equipped to live up to their eternal life expectations.

“Being “grounded” also means that the individual lives with focus and awareness, rather than being tossed around by life events. A tree is grounded through its root system that keeps it strong in the midst of violent storms. Become more grounded in the Divine and you too will be steadfast and fearless in the midst of your life storms. You will even become welcome anchors for those who have not mastered that trait of character. A strong tree can become a shelter from the storm by spreading the cover of its branches.

“Be simultaneously grounded on terra firma through your physical body so as to live a productive life and grounded in the Divine through the living connection that you can establish with your Indwelling Divine Fragment. Whenever you feel knocked around by life or confused, turn within and allow your being to be infused with the “Peace that passes all understanding”—this is how Jesus was able to remain steadfast. God was His grounding rod.”

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