The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that Love is what makes a soul glow in the dark. It is very noticeable in worlds such as yours where there is a dark background woven by all the nefarious deeds of those who promote hateful agendas, mistakenly or deceptively claiming to be in alignment with the Divine Will and the highest good.

“Hate is incompatible with Love. The Father’s heart has no dark spots. The Father is Love and Light and this is what you are meant to become to be in His likeliness.

“As you progress along your planetary journey, your personality undergoes many subtle metamorphoses. Just as a chameleon blends in the background, you too may be affected by your life circumstances—depending on how you interpret them and respond to them. What do you do when hate crosses your path? Do you allow it to bulldoze whatever is on its path? Or do you firmly stand your ground and allow your inner light to be a beacon of hope in the darkness, thus taking an effective personal stand against the forces of darkness?

“Light is all powerful as it dispels darkness. A loving soul truly glows in the dark and its radiance can be detected by those whose eyes are searching for the hope of light in the dark night of their souls. You can speak about the light just like someone would speak about an elusive treasure or you can be the light by infusing your life with love.

“Love one another was Jesus ‘admonition; do not respond in kind to hurtful behaviors. Rather change the dance steps by finding new ways to respond to the challenges that life throws at you. The mud that may be slung at you can be washed away from your being. Do not allow it to stick to it and to deface you as it will in no way improve your self-image. Rather do remember at all times that you have power over darkness if you connect your little flickering light to the Father’s greater electrical grid—the same one that provides you with starry night lights and keep your sun burning bright.”

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