The Inner Sherpa



“Love thus grows; it cannot be created, manufactured, or purchased: it must grow.” [UB 1097:04]

Thought Adjuster: “Love is at the onset of All That Is and yet, on your planet, it seems that it does not flow to its full capacity, but rather drips from a tap that is mostly in a shut position—as if its conduit had been winterized.

“Love flows full strength from Paradise—from the open heart of the Divine—and there exists no possibility whatsoever that the flow from that everlasting spring would dwindle. Where does it go?

“A river, whose course encounters stone formations or other natural obstacles, has to go around such obstacles. As well, the Father’s Love is forced to make a detour around closed hearts, thus depriving them of Its living waters.

“When water pipes are malfunctioning in your home, you become aware of the problem and enlist the expertise of a plumber. If you come to realize that your heart presents emotional blockages that affect its capacity to love, you too need to enroll My services or the ones of your Teachers and Guides. We are your ERT—Emergency Response Team. We will provide you with the Divine Intervention that is required to fix your personal issues.

“Just like a stint is inserted in narrowing arteries to expand its blood to flow, life will bring forth many case scenarios where you will be faced with your own shortcomings and vulnerabilities.

"This is not a bad thing. This is actually great, as it places you in a state of greater awareness. Once aware, you can take appropriate actions to fix what is under-performing within yourself. Be grateful—rather than resentful. Be receptive, rather than resisting. You could not improve, were you not made aware of the discomfort connected with these areas in need of betterment.

“Love is unconditional. Yet, you are the one who has to ensure that your home canalization system is not impaired by the abrasive rust of toxic emotions.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

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