Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, it is an act of faith for you to start typing without knowing where this is going. You believe in the fact that you will be guided in your receiving after conditioning your space for such an event to take place. And it is indeed the case. We can only manifest our thinking to the material level through the intermediary of those who are willing to allow us to convey our messages through them. Your fingers on the keyboard help us materialize our messages and put them into space, into your space.
“Inspiration is truly in-spirit-ualization. Spirit is always spiritualizing, i.e. lifting human beings from the physical gravity, helping them transcend what appears to be their only reality if they are only relying on their physical senses. You are spiritual beings, meant for spiritual experiences. Such experiences may appear not to be tangible and yet, they leave a deep imprint in the human life and are validated as real by their human experiencer.”