The Inner Sherpa



“Divine truth is best known by its spiritual flavor.” [UB 42:07]

Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about how to ‘relate’ to the Father—the Giver of your personality and all personalities. Your personality is what makes you uniquely ‘personable.’ What do I mean by that?

“Take some time to reflect on the fact that your personality has been lovingly concocted by the Father. Much of it is still an unrealized potential, but some of it has already been ‘expressed’ in and through your being and is what makes you identifiable to others—your flavor, your designer scent.

“Think of your loved ones and of the reasons why you love them. You love them not for what is generic in their nature but for what is unique and memorable. Even after they leave your life, you can recall their essence in your mind and in your heart—their energy signature. The fact that you miss them is the indisputable proof that you had a very real ‘relationship’ with them—through the facets of both your beings that acted as poles of attraction, as connectors.

“The same goes for your relationship with the Father. It can only expand based on your own personality expansion as well as your experiential relationship with the Divine—directly or indirectly.

“Human beings need to ask themselves the fundamental question: “Who Am I?” It will lead them to uncover the greater truth of their ‘being-ness.’ The goodness you identify in your being is one of your family ties to the Father. He shared of His Goodness with His creatures. Search for it in your siblings and you will increasingly get to experience the Father’s nature through His benevolent expression in His creatures—a mirror effect so to speak.

“Ultimately, you will meet the Father in Spirit as you become increasingly a full-fledged spiritual being. Yet, even now, you are a spiritual being, connected to your spiritual roots. Take the time to dig for them. This will infuse you with a much greater sense of self-respect, and you will feel the urge to honor the Divinity in you as well as its infinite manifestation in others. Namaste!”

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