The Inner Sherpa



“But the isolated mortal of time and space coheres in God the Father through the direct relationship between the indwelling Thought Adjuster and the Universal Father. Man’s Adjuster is a fragment of God and everlastingly seeks for divine unification; it coheres with, and in, the Paradise Deity of the First Source and Center.” [UB 2:7:7]

Thought Adjuster: “God shows no personal favoritism to no man ….” (Galatians 2:6),as validated by the fact that He indiscriminately Self-fragments to come and indwell each one of you upon your first moral decision. All Divine Indwellers originate from the Paradise Deity. How then could anyone be deemed superior to others? The Father is an ‘equal opportunity’ Landlord.

“It would serve you well to approach one another the ‘Namaste way.’“I bow to the Divine in you”is the humble attitude you should adopt in your interactions. Divine Greatness resides within all sound-minded human beings—too often overlooked in their petty siblings’ rivalries.

“It is another reason why Love and Respect go in pair. Search for what is ‘respectable’ in those you find hard to love. It will endear them to you. It may require some time, but it will bear fruit. Not only that. By respecting those categorized as inferior, you will help them grow self-esteem. There is no doubt that, due to His all-encompassing Love, the Father has left no one out in the gifted and talented department.

“What a beautiful treasure hunt life could turn out to be!Just as some businesses hire the services of ‘head hunters’ to find the individual most qualified to fill a particular position, the Father needs legions of ‘heart hunters’ to act as catalysts for the release of His Love Substance. Trust me! Whenever you come from your heart, you release its sublime emotional fragrance.”

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