The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “As you are activating our connection by visualizing the Father’s love infusing your being, you also come to realize that all Truth is contained within this Love as the Father’s Love is the aggregate of Truth, Beauty and Goodness. There is no Truth devoid of Love as everything the Father has created is based on 100% truth – without any watering down or grey areas.

“Whenever you encounter so-called grey areas in your life, it is your clue to investigate and figure out how to weed out untruth from truth. The Lucifer rebellion is the historic fact that introduced this deceptive blending of untruth with truth. Lucifer twisted the Divine Truth with his own self-serving agenda so that he could enroll in his camp many immature and trusting souls. This is the reason why you have to be extremely selective when you select a leader. Just as Lucifer was motivated by his own quest for underserved power, many of your leaders are also motivated by the wrong reasons andare adept at dissimulating them behind attractive packages.

“The only way out of this confusing reality is to go within and ask Me and your Guides to help you decipher what is real and what is fake. The Spirit of Truth that dwells within you is your greatest help in that process. Do consciously activate within your life this powerful Guide. Also, use your open heart to detect the love that is attached to the Truth as it will be a validation that you are on the right path as no higher truth is ever devoid of love.

“As you recognize this fundamental creative principle, practice its inclusion in all your life decisions and actions. When in doubt about the rightfulness of your decisions, ask yourself if they are based on Truth and if they are supported by Love. If you cannot answer affirmatively, rethink your course before you are engaged too deep as untruth can only be supported by more untruth – more lies and more deception. Many souls have lost themselves in that process. Pretending to be someone you are not can eventually create a much disassociated personality and is at the origin of many emotional and mental issues.

“May you speak words of truth and integrity at all times as they will lead you to find your alignment with your life purpose. This is the only way for you to be guided to the full expression of your inner beauty and inborn goodness.”

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