The Inner Sherpa



“The Kingdom of Heaven is neither material nor merely intellectual; it is a spiritual relationship between God and man.” [UB 1486:05]

Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about the Kingdom of Heaven—a greatly misunderstood ‘frame of heart’. Indeed, it has nothing to do with the mere pursuit or enjoyment of material wealth. Jesus had a very difficult time getting this point across to His followers who would rather have believed in fairy tales than face a seemingly harsh reality: “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” [Colossians 3:2]

“Indeed, material wealth does not have a sufficient clout to get you a free pass to the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’. Neither can you bribe your way into acquiring its spiritual prerequisites that are, in all Divine Fairness, made available to all, provided they reassess their priorities and do not dawdle precious time chasing after a gold-plated egg with an enticing shiny exterior but barren interior.

“In a nutshell, Peace and Love are what this inner kingdom is made of. As they expand within you as a consequence of your growing alignment with Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, you qualify yourself for adoption into the inner circle of the Family of God. You acquire the peace that passes all understanding and it blesses your entire life experience. As well, you exude love toward everything and everyone, acknowledging the many gifts contained in your life and wanting others to get a taste of them.

“Once you get to ‘know’ firsthand the love of the Father, rather than ‘knowing about it’—a mighty change takes place within yourself—a conversion experience where you have no desire to go back to your olden ways since your present experience is far more thrilling and blissful.

“The Heavenly Father is both the Source of your being and its destination. You get there by partaking inthe Circle of Love. This is where you belong.”

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