Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, the thought just came to your mind about the necessity of being in the Stillness in order to hear your divine guidance. Why is it so? It is pretty obvious that whenever there is a space of silence, it is the best background to hear any subtle sounds – to hear a pin drop.
“The mental busyness and noisiness are truly hearing handicaps. How can you hear a pin drop if you are a going through your life driving a bulldozer? The same goes for your other senses. How can you smell a rose if your atmosphere is invaded by the stinky output of some chemical factory? How can you taste a good wine if your taste buds have been overwhelmed by the enduring taste of garlic for example?
“The point of these comparisons is to show you how important it is to fine tune all your senses so that they can truly detect all the treasures, gifts, and feel good sensations that life has in store for them and that are connected with the Father’s Love. The Father’s Love is all pervading but it is dampened by the artificial surroundings created around your physical senses.
“So many human beings are literally walking through their days with headphones on their heads and with their eyes fixed on an electronic screen of some sort. These create barriers between them and genuine human experiences. These genuine experiences are the one connecting humanity with its divinity and this connection can only take place whenever the human focus switches from outward to inward. After regrouping inward, the focus can now be extended to other human beings through healthy and nurturing loving relationships.
“Go within to search for the Divine Love and to tap into it. It will color every facet of your life as you will become aware of its manifestations. You will learn to zoom on truth, beauty and goodness and to disengage your attention from all the other triggers that draw your attention toward strong and yet unpleasant sensations. Learn to shield your being as you would protect a precious masterwork. Learn to respect yourself so as to glorify the Father for His customized gifts.
“Indeed the Father puts great care in selecting individual gifts for His children. He gives from the heart and each gift is intended to unfailingly touch the heart of the receiver. So many gifts are still unidentified and unclaimed. Isn’t it time that humanity starts living with this higher awareness and expresses gratitude toward all these heavenly blessings? This is how the planetary shift occurs—through individual attitude shifts. Change your attitude if it does not serve you well. Trade it for the powerful and empowering attitude of gratitude and the foggy veil will be lifted from your eyes and you will be able to absorb in your being more and more of the perfection of creation.”