The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk some more about a successful Stillness Practice. Whenever you desire to spend time in the Stillness, you have to condition your body in order to successfully land in that peaceful state. You well know from personal experience that it is not an easy thing to do and that it takes much perseverance and consistency to become proficient at it.

“Most human beings spend many years of their physical life focusing on their material surroundings. This is part of their life requirements as they have to make a living as well as co-create in their current environment. Such a co-creation involves the gratification of the five physical senses – individually or in conjunction with one another.

“Once someone comes to the realization that there is a much vaster playground, they then develop the desire to gain access to it. This playground is in the spiritual realms but is in some small measure available to you while in your physical embodiment. Yours is to find a way to access it and it is done by shifting your focus from your physical surroundings and embodiment to their spiritual counterparts.

“Too many, the physical body has become a distraction from their spiritual nature. Yet, this can be turned around by consciously disconnecting your focus from your physicality through the Stillness practice. By turning off one by one the inputs from your physical senses, you make room for your spiritual identity to emerge more strongly. By shutting off the external busyness and noisiness, you get to that place of inner tranquility and quietness—a much rejuvenating inner spa.

“Rather than complaining about a stress filled life, take personal action to remedy it. Inner relaxation will relieve you of such feelings of being overwhelmed. It will allow you to become receptive to positive higher energies that will very effectively recharge your being and help preserve your emotional and mental equilibrium in spite of all the confusing external triggers you are constantly being exposed to.

“Your constant intention should be to reconnect with your inner peace whenever you lose it for a while. This feeling of peace is the most precious feeling you could experience as it allows you to make wise decisions from that vantage point—decisions you won’t come to regret as you do come to regret those spur of the moment decisions that are driven by out of hand impulses.

“Peace has to be mastered in order to gain emotional self-mastery. By going in the Stillness daily, you are increasing your ability to welcome this peaceful invader who will help you dismantle any hostile takeovers by unsettling emotions.”

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