Teacher: “Dear child, the practice of meditation is becoming more widespread on this planet as there is indubitable proof of its manifold benefits. We have now arrived at a crossroad between science and spirituality. It was bound to happen as science has progressed so far as to recognize that reality goes much deeper than what can be identified by the bare eyes.
“It is such a blessing for a little child to be taught how to go within. The inner peace that one experiences in the Stillness is the most healing power in one’s life. A child who has no prejudices toward new experiences will also clearly detect the appeasing influence of this “time out.”
“So many children are at the mercy of their fluctuating emotions if they are not shown how to live in a state of awareness. Many of them manifest their unruly emotions through powerful temper tantrums which unleash potentially destructive energies.
“If the parents have not learned to tame their own difficult emotions, they create an unhealthy spiritual and emotional environment for the child. Parents should role model healthy behaviors but very frequently they have not had in their lives these own positive” role models.
By learning to meditate at an early age, children are being connected subconsciously to their inner Guide—to the Source of their being. They are being coached from within and they also learn the practice of “intro-spection”-- of searching “within”. Such a practice prevents a lot of unhealthy projections on others when things are not flowing harmoniously. Blame is one of them. So many people are “extro-specting”, i.e. are looking “on the outside” of themselves in search for someone or something to blame for their unhappiness or disfunctionality. “He made me do it” is heard frequently from children’s mouths as they have not yet recognized the power of their own free will.
“By the practice of Stillness, children discover a safe harbor that they can instantly access whenever they experience the uncomfortable pull of stormy emotions. They also experience the validation of the powerful and positive influence of the Stillness practice as they emerge from it calmer and having regained their emotional balance. They know then intuitively that they can go within whenever they feel the need to regroup and to reconnect with their inner peace and it becomes a second nature to them.
“Whatever state of your life you find yourself at, it is never too late to introduce this healing practice in your daily life. What matters is that you be consistent so as to gradually create within yourself that space of the “peace that passes all understanding.” Once you come to taste this beautiful state of mind and of heart, you will start developing a stronger and stronger longing for this daily connection as it will keep “refilling” your being with higher energies which will carry into your days and exert their uplifting and transformative power. Don’t take my word for it. Put it to the test.”