The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk today about the Indwelling of the Father in His human creatures and what it actually means. At their first moral decision, a Divine Fragment comes to inhabit the free will creatures who thus demonstrated their desire to make altruistic decisions and their potential to be receptive to the Guidance of Spirit. This first autonomic free-will decision taken on the child’s own initiative is truly his/her spiritual Birth Day. It is the day when the human creature distances itself from its animalistic tendencies.

“Yet, the fact that such human beings receive a Divine Resident does not mean that they are aware of it and include Him in their life. Which type of residency are you offering to your Divine Fragment? Has He been relegated to the attic of your being as you failed to recognize the most precious gift of His Presence within you? Or are you giving Him the Place of Honor in your heart, turning to Him for advice whenever you need guidance?

“Looking at the state of affairs on your world, it is very obvious that the good news shared by Jesus that the Father dwells in His creatures--as well as the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit--has not been registered by many. Thus these resources have not been optimally tapped into.

“Your Divine Fragment is your direct connection to the Universal Father—beyond time and space. All it takes for you is to initiate that connection—to place that call. You are the only one who can “liberate” the Divine from the stand-by role that you impose on Him if you live unaware of His Presence within your being or chose to ignore it.

“If such is the case, your human experience will not be as rich as it could be once you connect with your Divine Partner. Once in a while you may hear His input but if you treat it in the same manner as you would swat away an irritating bug, He will patiently withdraw until such time when you wholeheartedly turn to Him. Unfortunately, such a state of receptivity occurs mostly in times of great need or anxiety and dwindles whenever things calm down.

“Can a relationship be described as a friendship if it is only focused on getting personal advantages? Of course not. The relationship with your Divine Presence should be of the highest quality as within you dwells Selfless Love. Doesn’t such an unconditional Love deserve reciprocation in kind? What would happen if you started activating this inner connection? You would become “spirit-ualized”. You would discover many hidden chambers in your mind.You would also activate your heart power.

“You truly are of divine essence. All you need to do is to engage your Divine Presence that will immediately rejoice at your attention and provide you with Guidance and enlightenment as to who you truly are.”

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