The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, as you well know the T/R process [Transmitting/Receiving] is all about practice, practice, practice and more practice as it is the case in the mastery of anything. Mastery is experiential even though it can be backed up and enabled by the possession of some God given gifts. Yet, a gift has to be unwrapped and put to good use-- to its intended purpose--, in order to be effective.

“Each human being has been equipped with the necessary equipment to initiate communication with the Divine. The Father investsHimself in His children not to be held captive in their minds. Instead, He invested Himself in order to be able to communicate on a one to one basis with them.

“Self doubt has to be eradicated in order to become able to receive celestial transmissions. Trust in the Father’s ability and resourcefulness. The Father knows intimately each one of His children and knows what makes them tick. He knows where their potentials lay dormant and how to activate them.

“As you set yourself to receive spiritual transmissions, do not doubt that Spirit is also right there, taking optimal advantage of your willingness to be a conduit for higher teachings. Allow your mind to follow the leads of Spirit and to fill the blanks where needed. Truth is truth, whether it is undiluted truth or whether it is interpreted by your own sense of truth. The Spirit of Truth is also actively participating in the process of T/Ring as it is all about revelation and integration of higher truth. Allow yourself to be Spirit led and Spirit taught.

“When you look back upon your life since the first time when you expressed your desire to be of service at that level, you can now recognize the progress made in that area and the cooperation with Spirit in that process. Each language has to be learnt, one word at a time. Then comes the time to use these words in well built sentences; they start flowing with more ease as the mental roadblocks are being removed.”

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