The Inner Sherpa



“There is unity in the cosmic universe if you could only discern its workings in actuality. The real universe is friendly to every child of the eternal God.” [UB 1477:03]

Teacher: “When a child gets separated from his parents and is wandering through treacherous and unknown territories, he becomes the prey to much fear and longs to be reconnected with ‘home.’ At the same time, his parents are tirelessly searching for him, having as well lost their inner peace and feeling anguished as to the welfare and survival their beloved child.

“They know that their chances to find their errant child are limited unless they enlist some assistance as there is power in numbers. They call for help and a search party of professionals as well as volunteers is organized.

“When a planet goes astray as it occurred with your birth planet, the Universal Father responds in the same manner. A rescue party is organized right away. Just as the despondent lost child calls for his parents in his anguish, the Father also calls the name of His children to guide them Home with the vibrations of His Voice.

“Any search party would be less efficient if it did not send clues of its presence. The voices calling the child’s name, the sounds generated by the search, are meant to get his attention as sound precedes the callers.

“Are you actively searching for Home? Have you realized that you may have strayed too far from it and have lost yourself in the process? A child may wander off due to some external distractions that captivate his attention. However, as he becomes thirsty, hungry and cold, he becomes conscious of his isolation. He realizes then that his strongest cravings are for the loving presence of his family.

“Dear ones, the Father is calling your names. Are you echoing back to Him the longing that you feel in your heart to come Home? Take the time to express your heartfelt longings; give your heart its voice back! This is the voice the Father is longing to hear. For sure, He will pick up on the faintest sound as His Ears are attuned to it.

“He is actively searching for you. He is sending for you. His search party is vast and spans over the universes. Do not doubt it. The way Home begins in your heart. Home is the place where you can safely be yourself. Home is the place of genuine inner freedom. Home is the place where your soul can expand and soar. Home is the place where you are part of a loving family—fully committed to one another.”

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