The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that the Father is not bipolar as many project Him to be due to their lack of understanding about the seemingly paradoxical state of affairs in this world.

“When human beings suffer or witness the suffering of others, the question arises in their mind: Why would a loving father allow such a suffering? On an intellectual level, they try to explain this fact by labeling God as a revengeful God and by misunderstanding the outworking of the Law of Cause and Effect.

“The Father in Heaven is the poster boy for Love. Period. He does not contaminate His Love by subscribing to the "an eye for an eye motto" that so many are living by on this grief ridden planet. On the contrary, through His Son Jesus, He attempted to debunk such a sorry belief: “Turn the other cheek” was Jesus’ advice to his followers whenever they encountered unjust situations.

“These are 2 different approaches to the principle of Giving and Taking. An eye for an eye actually only takes away from both parties in the failed relationship. Turning the other cheek deactivates the lower emotions of anger and revenge that keep being generated and expanded in the down-spiralingcycle of hate—the absence of love.

“Test in your own life the transformative power of Love in Action. Instead of matching lower emotions with other toxic emotions, match them with emotions of a higher caliber and see what happens. You will soon witness a positive transformation within you and within those who partake in your reality.

“The Father is represented by the infinity symbol that also depicts the continuous flow of His love and the fact that All that Is and Ever Will Be is destined to come back to Him and to be forever re-circulated in a vibrant universe.

“May your heart start opening and expanding according to that same pattern of infinity. Do not hoard your treasures; share them freely with others as this is what enables this Love Flow to nurture the whole creation. Whenever you become aware that your heart has hardened, acknowledge this uncomfortable feeling and see what you can do on the spot to remedy to it so that no ugly blockages cause disruption in the harmonious and uplifting flow of your relationships. This is how you bring Heaven on earth as Heaven is made of God’s Love.”

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