The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Sometimes it may take us a while to get back to you with a precise answer for your questions. As we become aware of them, we are taking them under advisement and consideration in order to prepare an adequate answer. As you well know, the answer may come to you in various forms. What matters is that you be receptive and on the outlook so as not to miss that special moment. We also like for you to put forth some effort in figuring out some of the answers. We will provide you with clues, with nudges, in the hope that you will do your homework and learn to fill in the blanks on your own, as such a lesson will definitely be enriching to you.

“Ask and you shall receive. We know that you are asking, that you are on a quest for higher understanding, and that you are grateful for whatever enlightenment comes your way. Light does come to those who are asking for it, to those who chose to dedicate their lives to spreading the Light.

“The Father and His helpers will not waste precious energy but will send it wherever it is needed and wherever it will be well received. More and more souls are asking to be of service to the Light and are defecting from the darkness of the world. Light can be amplified and is being amplified through concerted efforts.

“As humanity is becoming able to handle a higher voltage, the voltage is being increased and such Light is dispelling more and more darkness. The time will come when darkness will no longer have anywhere to hide and no other choice thaneither to be translated into light or to disintegrate.

“Keep working at yourself and keep working at sharing your understanding with others. It is good to pool your experiential wisdom. Have a blessed week.”

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