The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought just came to your mind that Love is the glue which connects everything with everything. True love is a superglue.

“The lower interpretations of love don’t have the same connecting power and many relationships are failing due to that fact. True love has a quality of eternity. True love is meant to last forever. This is the mutual oath that young lovers are taking without realizing what it entails.

“Love is unconditional and patient. It contains within itself the ability to survive the challenges of the relationship. Yet it is important that both parties be selfless, i.e. that they see their oneness in their relationship. Love is not exclusive--it is all-inclusive. Love feeds on love. Love always hungers for expansion.

“Love is not coercive but has an irresistible power of attraction and of inclusion. The Father equipped His offspring with inner triggers that respond unfailingly to true love. Love is home. Your body should be a Temple of Love, a vessel allowing Love in action to reach out into the world and the lives of those you meet along your journey. You can be assured that you are loved.”

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