The Inner Sherpa



“Revelation as an epochal phenomenon is periodic; as a personal human experience it is continuous. Divinity functions in moral personality as the Adjuster gift of the Father, as the Spirit of Truth of the Son, and as the Holy Spirit of the Universe Spirit, while these three supermortal endowments are unified in human experiential evolution as the ministry of the Supreme.” [UB Paper 101, Section 2]

Thought Adjuster: “Epochal revelations proceed on a ‘need-to-know’ basis depending on the current stage of overall planetary spiritual evolution. Over millennia, Truth was revealed in carefully measured increments, so as to be progressively integrated by human personalities, rather than being ‘way over their heads.’ A little tidbit of Truth is by far preferable to too much, too soon, as it has to be ‘digested,’ integrated and practiced in order to bring about positive personal changes.

“Under great hardship and subjected to many setbacks, Moses brought the Ten Commandments where positive exhortations are mixed with stern interdictions: ‘Thou shalt . . . Thou shalt not . . . ’ In his days and time, the ways of humanity were still very confused and erratic and they needed to be told in no uncertain terms what to do and what not to do — as a form of spiritual parental guidance.

“Jesus promulgated only the unique Rule — the Golden Rule of treating others as one would want to be treated. Indeed, this one and only rule is sufficient to guide human beings in ALL their decision making processes. It is a universal measuring stick — the Gold Standard for optimal living.

“When you live according to such divinely ordained guidelines, you are simultaneously receiving a very personal continued education. You benefit from the written textbooks of Religious Laws but their materials become much more relatable when applied to your personal life’s experience that presents you with a multitude of case scenarios — the pop-up tests that require you to wisely apply revealed Truth. As you do so, more personal Truth is constantly added to the revelatory mix by your inner Teachers — your very personal Trinity.

“Your Divine Fragment knows you inside and out, so to speak. Not only is He in the know of all the elements pertaining to your life and your personality, but He is also in the know of your eternal destiny and guides you wisely, step by step, toward its fulfillment, revealing to you what you need to know, rather than what you would like to know. Due to their urgent nature, your needs always take priority over your wants. On the other hand, the satisfaction of your whims may or may not occur, depending on whether or not they would contribute to your spiritual progress. Over time, you will come to recognize which ‘wants’ were childish, shortsighted and unreasonable. You will also come to realize which ones where obvious clues driving you forward toward the manifestation of your True Self.

“Looking at all this from this perspective, you are privy to an amazing education system. Not only does it cater to the current planetary spiritual needs, it also provides each individual with private tutoring so that their souls can be fed according to their needs. You well know the feelings of elation you feel when you are the recipient of a very personal ‘epiphany’ — one of these blissful ‘ah-ha moments’ when the inner light bulb goes on in your mind, shedding much needed enlightenment in areas in need of clarification. Truly there are no excuses for spiritual standstill. Why choose to foolishly skip school while each day could be taking you to a deeper understanding of what your existence is all about?”

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