The Inner Sherpa



Monjoronson: “Dear child, this is Monjoronson. You have been calling me into your energy field and, as your intention is heartfelt and genuine, I am answering your call in order to spend some quality time with you, my little daughter. You have been reading my messages on how you can actually connect to me and I rejoice in the fact that you are including your quest for a personal relationship with me in your daily routine.

“A parent is never too busy for his/her child. Love is the most personal and intimate level there is. Sure, a father may have many professional duties calling his attention; such is the case for me with the Magisterial Mission. Yet, at the core of all this is LOVE. My collective mission with Christ Michael and Machiventa Melchizedek is to enable the total anchoring of love on this planet.

“We have to consider many layers of energies which need to be uplifted and cleansed. But most important is our desire to bring the Father’s love into each life. Yes, dear child, your whole being is longing for that divine connection and you will always know when you are getting it.

“Keep asking without getting discouraged and results will start manifesting. You already are able to sense higher energies cursing through your being as you have open yourself long ago to receive. This is part of your experience.

“Little by little, more facets of a relationship with the Divine will be manifested in your life so that you can encourage others to follow in your footsteps. I know, dear one, that you do not place so much weight on your own experience. Yet, not only is it precious to you, but it is also very precious to others as you are willing to share your treasures with them. You understand the multiplying factor of sharing.

“This is how the Master multiplied the food. Giving is actually multiplying. It is not becoming divested of one’s gifts. It is sharing them and amplifying them through the sharing; you are actually planting seeds in others and each seed is endowed with its own power for growth and for coming to fruition.

“The Father needs laborers in His fields. You are one of them and you have been planting many seeds through your giving attitude. You have influenced many lives by desiring to be an inspiration to others. Keep that high intention as it acts like a beautiful kite dancing in higher realms and drawing attention to the possibilities of ascension and bliss.

“The winds may turn but the kite will keep flying high as it has been equipped to do so. Many kites are being launched in the earthly skies and their free flowing dances inspire others to join in. They too aspire deep within to such a quality of life. This is how each one of the light workers can become a way shower, a heavenly ringleader.”]

[Note: Monjoronson is an Avonal and Magisterial Son - you can find more information about Avonal and Magisterial Sons in the Urantia Book]

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