“Dear child, let us talk about Inner Receptivity. It is indeed a meaningful topic. Many people consider themselves as being receptive and open minded. Yet, most of the time, it is far from being the case. They may be receptive to thinking processes and opinions with which they feel some kinship. Yet, are they truly receptive? What would it imply to be truly receptive?
“It would imply to be receptive to the leadings of Spirit that are always in sync with Truth, Beauty and Goodness. Take time to assess your ‘Receptivity Quotient’ from this perspective as it proportionally determines how much ‘enlightenment’ you will be privy to.
“Another way to put this in perspective is to look at the way you use your sense of hearing. Your ears are constantly bombarded with sound messages as the material world is quite noisy indeed. Yet, there are many finer sounds that can only be detected if you learn to very consciously focus on them by overriding the louder sonic background. You will be surprised about the multitude of new sounds you will identify once you expand your sense of hearing that way.
“The same applies to your ‘receptivity.’ The direction toward which you turn your spiritual antenna is a game changer. As you affirm your heartfelt intention to become more ‘spirit-ualized’, you will start picking up the very subtle and fine leadings of Spirit. Spirit is never loud, bossy, nor boisterous. Spirit is humble and discreet.
“Your intentions determine the way you live your life. Are they focused on the material world or are they reaching out beyond the scope of your physical senses? You have been gifted with many spiritual senses as well. Are you aware of them? Are you using them or are you deaf and blind to the spiritual side of your life? This is a very personal question that needs to be answered.
“Your physical senses keep track of your material experience in their respective memory banks. Just the same, you have a memory vault meant to safe keep all the precious spiritual experiences that you accumulate along your life journey. This vault is of infinite magnitude as you are meant to live eternally. Stop and reflect about the content of your vault. Is it accumulating memorable spiritual treasures—wisdom, personal epiphanies, undying heart connections, and much more—or is it underutilized and poor in spiritual savings? This is the indicator of the level of your receptivity.
“Spirit is constantly sending you messages in the form of suggestions for better living. Are these messages landing in your junk mail for lack of the ability to screen them and salvage them in your inbox? The only way to remedy that is to live with increasing awareness.
“Just as you become able to pick up finer sounds when you sharpen your sense of hearing, you can diligently train your spiritual hearing to pick up the messages of Spirit that would be otherwise drowned in your mental chatter. They are the gold nuggets of wisdom that you want to safe keep in your memory vault as they truly are worth their weight in gold.”