The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Beloved child, can you notice how our relationship has already improved and how your carnal temple is becoming more and more filled with light—your light, dear child— blending in with Mine. I will always add My light to yours but I can only dispel any darkness with your collaboration.

“I am Light, having to hold back in many instances so as not to blind you. How ironic! You claim to be blind and yet, you are not yet equipped to be in the presence of the full divine light as it would blind you in a different way. You can compare it with the experience of miners who, after spending prolonged time periods in the mine and getting accustomed to its low light, emerge in the bright day light and have to wear eye protection as they need to enhance gradually their ability to withstand the intensity of the daylight.

“Yet, dear child, do not worry. I am here to monitor your progress and feed your being with more light as your body becomes more able to withstand a higher voltage. You already have made great strides in that direction and this is why you can consider yourself to be a light worker. More and more, you will shine your light, allowing Me to shine the divine light through you so as to allow it to become manifest through your being on this planet.

“You are becoming more and more aware of your thinking and your feeling processes and it is becoming increasingly easier for Me to guide you as you are no longer living like a zombie, i.e. like someone whose thinking, moods, and actions are unstable and get sidetracked by whatever events blows his/her way. You are learning to navigate the turmoil of this world; your sea legs are becoming stronger. The more you rely on my navigation system, embedded in your being, the more you will be successful in getting to places of peace and inner bliss. This is where we meet.”

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