The Inner Sherpa



Mother Spirit: “Dear child, this is I, Mother Spirit. You are longing to get to know Me better and are asking for My input as the Divine Feminine. Indeed, my daughters need this motherly guidance and role modeling in their lives. This has not been given to them so far on the same scale as the role modeling of Christ Michael as He lived on the planet as Jesus.

“Adam and Even were the celestial ambassadors. As material son and daughter, they were visible to the human eyes and their lifestyle was meant to be an eye-opener for the human races. Yet, due to the interference of the Lucifer plot, their mission was not as successful as intended and it took ages for humanity to benefit from the positive spiritual influences of human beings that walked a straight line of faith.

“As your Divine Mother, I would love for My daughters to reflect in depth on the quality of the Divine Feminine. Which traits would you like to manifest in your life as a woman? Women are meant to be mothers and the experience of motherhood is a transformational and very powerful experience.

“A woman is deeply connected with the embryo she carries in her womb. The bonding takes place instantly as the womb is the first cradle of the unborn child. What a privilege it is to be a co-creator of life! So many new feelings arise in the expectant mother. When the child is born, its first cry also opens a wide portal to the heart of his mother and a powerful love bond is activated between mother and child. This love substance is part of the nourishment of the child’s soul.

“Yes, it is so important for Love to be bathing the child so that it can develop its emotional health at the same time it grows in its body. A being is a very complex organism and many levels of this organism—even though they are invisible—are very real and cannot be ignored.

“Learn to be attentive as a mother is attentive to the signals of her child. Many of these signals have to be correctly interpreted and women have been gifted with a strong sense of intuition. Turn to Me—as your Mother—whenever you need My input on matters that pertain to womanhood. I will enlighten you. This is what a Mother does.”

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