The Inner Sherpa



Mother Spirit: “Today is the celebration of Mother’s Day in this country and much thought is given to that family event. The heart of a Mother is always connected to the heart of her children. This is true of Me. My Holy Spirit is constantly going about Her Labor of Love—of motherly love.

“Just as the labor of love of an earthly mother does not end at the end of the day but keeps going around the clock, 7 days a week, year around, My Love is forever present.

“I am the embodiment of Motherhood and I will never betray this sacred bond. I hold each one of you close to My Heart, hoping that you will also connect in love with one another—that My Infinite Love will infuse all of you with My DNA and lead you to constant acts of love in action. These are My expectations as a Mother—the wishful thinking of My heart.

“In My universe, My Wishes never fail to become manifested. This is how your reality became ‘real-ized.’ Loving thoughts followed by focused actions created your reality. As My beloved children, you were endowed with the same potentials and your power grows proportionate with the wisdom you acquire so that you may only use it constructively.

“Dear ones, get in touch with your inner Truth, Beauty, and Goodness! Indeed, these seeds have been planted deep within you. You may not realize it, as you may perceive that the nasty weeds of hate spreading all over the planet are choking to death the beautiful seeds of hope. Such is not the case. Weeds will never be attractive and, as they reveal themselves for what they are, they can be easily identified and uprooted.

“Your Mother Earth is asking for your collaboration in that process. It is time for the children of the earth to honor their Mother by meeting Her needs. By circulating your love, you are living up to the motherly expectations for your life. Live, Love and by a Light!

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