The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “I am your Beloved. I have much to share with you at various levels. I want to teach you directly, personally, intimately. I am involved in your individual spiritual evolution. You are unique, and therefore, you also have a unique curriculum. There are many things I want to teach you during your human incarnation, as they will be a great launching pad for your ‘afterlife’ career.

“Let us talk about Integrity. This is indeed a very important attribute to acquire. You notice that there are many moments during your days where you fail to remain entirely in your integrity. It is not easy to remain anchored in truth, as it gets often diluted to accommodate more selfish agendas.

“The Father is selfless and forever truthful. The more selfless you become, the more truth you will integrate into your being. Ponder this for a moment. Whenever you act selflessly, you override your smaller personal agendas. You follow the leadings of your heart, without applying the brakes on them. Such is the admirable behavior exhibited by those you coin as heroes, who transcend their self and put their life on the line to rescue others from life-threatening situations.

“Indeed, you shall be led in Truth when you live with Love in your heart. You will become increasingly able to discern when you compromise your own truth for selfish reasons. You will also become braver in the way you represent the Father’s Truth, as the Father empowers those who speak in His Name—who speak His Higher Truth, as Jesus did.

Jesus surrendered himself 100% to the Father’s Will, without holding back. His will was to do the Father’s Will. Period. This is how He successfully led an unprecedented God-centered human life. The Truth shall set you free from the shadows lurking within yourself, as Truth is Light. Ask for My help whenever you need Me to shine My Light over the areas of your life in need of improvement. This is part of your personal ‘en-light-enment’ process.”

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