The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “There are many reliable facts in your life in spite of the turmoil that seems so widespread on your planet. One of them is that Planet Earth keeps spinning around her axis at her preordained pace, keeping her assigned place in the procession of celestial bodies, which guarantees you the daily blessings of a sunrise and a sunset.

“What about you? How reliable are you in the big scheme of things? Mother Earth is more than a material sphere. She too has a deep connection to Her Divine Maker. How then does she perceive you?

“Does she rejoice when you get up in the morning? Are you one of her human “sunshines”? How do you live your days? Like the sunflower, do you bask in the Divine Rays where you have been planted? Or is your soul-seed stubbornly hibernating in the chilling emotional underground?

“A light-deprived existence cannot yield vibrancy or colorfulness and fails to add to the rich palette the lives aligned with their God-given purpose. Have you figured out your calling? It is the most vital question to ask, as it will contribute to your activation and point to a constructive way to spend your days and beautify your current surroundings.

“My Indwelling Presence acts as your ‘coal miner cap lamp,” assisting you in digging your way through the oppressive darkness, as I AM always in touch with THE LIGHT. Therefore, never let go of the forward-driving force of Hope. Whenever you feel battered by what life throws at you, and it seems that My Light is flickering, take a much-needed timeout and sit with Me to recharge your batteries. I am Hope; I am Love; I am Light—forever powered by the Divine Power House of Paradise--another reliable fact.”

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