The Inner Sherpa



“The glory and the spiritual brilliance of the divine personality presence is impossible of approach by the lower groups of spirit beings or by any order of material personalities. The spiritual luminosity of the Father’s personal presence is a “light which no mortal man can approach; which no material creature has seen or can see.” But it is not necessary to see God with the eyes of the flesh in order do discern him by the faith-vision of the spiritualized mind.” [UB Paper 1, Section 3]

Thought Adjuster: “It is an established fact that you are electro-chemical beings. The Life Force coursing through you can be compared to the electricity that keeps you in an operative mode. As well, the chemical components of the nutrients you ingest are either conducive or detrimental to your health. It makes perfect sense, as they trigger a chain of chemical reactions.

“Let us look at the electrical side of your being. Much vocabulary related to electrical processes has now found its way into human conversations. Many speak in terms of frequencies and vibrations, having recognized that people emit various types of vibrations, depending on the fluctuations of their moods and their overall demeanor.

“Moody individuals experience frequent emotional ‘surges’ that are a threat to their emotional wellbeing as well as the one of those caught in the flares of their emotional circuitry.

“The term “Light Worker” is used for those whose desire in life is to spread the light of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. The more they dedicate themselves to do so, the more light emanates from their auric field. What does it tell you?

“Jesus said to His apostles: “The lamp of the body is the eye; if therefore, your eye is generous, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is selfish, the whole body will be filled with darkness.” [UB Paper 140, Section 6]. He also admonished: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”

“By dedicating yourself to be a Torch Bearer for the Divine Plan on your world, your ‘voltage’ will be gradually upgraded. As lowly material beings, you could not withstand the ‘super voltage’ emanating from the Isle of Paradise. It would ‘fry’ your fragile systems which are not yet equipped to match such a magnificent Energy—just as flies get fried by the heat of the light bulb to which they are instinctively drawn.

“Be patient and be diligent. Your Indwelling Fragment will act as the ‘transformer’ safely upgrading your voltage until, as a fully spiritualized being, you can safely attain the Heavenly Generator and bathe in Its Voltage.”

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