The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear child, you have been clearly asking for a personal Teacher and here I am, so happy to be of service. I have been waiting for that moment and I am filled with eagerness to guide you toward ever higher understanding of eternal values as it is the only way to ascend the ladder leading you to higher realms and to the Father’s Abode—the ultimate reward for your eternal quest.

“I am like a parent guiding the first steps of their little one. I applaud your desire to move forward and to let go of many of your spiritual and emotional crutches. What do I mean by that?

“Group consciousness can be one of these crutches as it is easier to feel strong in a crowd—to do what everyone else’s does as it makes it appear as a standard of some sort. Yet, as you well know, the masses can be very much misguided as they look at each other for validation. Yet, frequently, such a validation has nothing to do with the divine seal of approval that is only granted to co-creative efforts that contain the enduring values of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.

“Therefore, it takes courage to disengage yourself from the herd of humanity and to start questioning your belief system and the direction you want to give to your life. You could compare that to the initiative taken by a little stream to branch off the river that has been feeding it. At first, it will have to painstakingly dig itself a small bed. Eventually, with the help of the rain and the erosion, it will become more ‘embedded’ in its new course and more life will settle into it. Vegetation will grow on its banks and in its bed and beauty will settle in as well. Fish will discover its fresh waters and start congregating within the little stream—away from the polluted waters of the main river.

“Dear ones, as you declare your independence for the mass thinking and put on your thinking cap, you will be guided to many new in-sights—internal revelations—that only you can discover. You will come in touch with your inner guidance that has never been fully activated while you were relying on ‘public transportation.’ You will discover new spiritual landscapes and your heart will be increasingly filled with joy and peace as your float along your own little stream and clearly recognize that you are being guided toward the safe zone of the Father’s Harbor.

“As you discard your spiritual crutches, you will realize that you no longer need them—that you were only handicapped because you were not ingesting the healthy spiritual food that was catered for your needs. Each individual is unique and has various needs. It is not a ‘one size fits all’ scenario in the Father’s world. You do not feed a hummingbird the same food you would feed a sparrow.

“Just as a physical therapist is assigned to help someone regain the use of his body, many ‘spiritual therapists’ are assigned to the children of the earth in order to help them regain control of their spiritual life and become the best they can be—rather than docile and complacent anonymous numbers in the herd of humanity.”

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