Thought Adjuster: “What is fundamentalism? It is a strict adherence to some rigid belief system. Fundamentalists are satisfied with their creeds and have closed their mind to questioning them and allowing them to evolve.
“Is fundamentalism an instrument of the Divine or is it an impediment to the flow of Divine love and understanding? Is fundamentalism contributing to Oneness or is it divisive among men?
“When you look at your religious or political arena, the answer to these questions is very obvious. You witness intransigence and judgment between different ideologies. You even witness wars and utmost evil being the outcome of such misguided fundamentalism.
“Fundamentalism needs to be redefined as being based on the fundamental and absolute law of unconditional Love. God is a fundamentalist in the sense that He never deviates from Love. Your Master Jesus was also a fundamentalist in love. In fact, He stressed the misguided fundamentalism of those who would throw the first stones at their brothers and sisters, based on petty differences. The man-made divisions are petty--not pretty-- in God’s eyes.
“You were created as siblings. Siblings do disagree occasionally and may have disputes. Yet, they have an underlying love and affection which leads them to resolve their differences and reconcile; they feel much joy when peace has been restored among them.
“Become fundamentalists in love and you will be in alignment with the Father’s will. For everything else, be patient with one another, as patience is another trait of love. Practice love and respect and do not allow your hate triggers to be pulled. God loves the sinner but despises sin. You too need to recognize the times in your lives when your minds and hearts shut down. Practice self-mastery. This is how Jesus qualified to be called Master.
“You can change the emotional climate of your planet if you stay in love and forgiveness. Wars come about when the ego is taking real or imagined offenses personally as it is the nature of the ego to be self-absorbed. Expand your ego so that it includes the whole creation. Such an EGO becomes part of GOD as it is all inclusive and love inclusive.”