“The more completely man understands himself and appreciates the personality values of his fellows, the more he will crave to know the Original Personality, and the more earnestly such a God-knowing human will strive to become like the Original Personality.” [UB 30:05]
Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that there are ‘sleeping survivors’ as well as ‘sleep-walking’ human beings. Sleeping survivors are ascending mortals who, based on their spiritual status at the time of their death, are undergoing a more or less lengthy period of sleep before their resurrection of life. This is the reason why there is mention in the Bible of epochal resurrections such as the one that occurred after the glorious resurrection of Jesus.
“Yet, most probably, those who belong to that category of ‘sleeping survivors’ were former ‘sleep walkers.’ Indeed, your spiritual achievements—or lact thereof—during your life in the flesh will be the report card you will be issued at the time of your ‘crossover.’ You are the one determining whether or not you will graduate ‘cum laude’ to other higher realms without having to undergo a lengthy waiting period.
“As in every other area of your life, your achievements are directly proportionate to your resolve and to the efforts you invest toward the manifestation of worthwhile and everlasting objectives. Therefore, dear ones, beware—‘be-aware’—of the quality of your human pursuits. Don’t you think it is of utmost importance to consciously scrutinize the content of your life in order to improve your ‘grades’?
“Are you living with higher awareness or are you walking through life like a zombie, being distracted by its material temptations—the very temptations that are there to teach you self-mastery and to instill in you a strong and tested character?
“The first step toward full awakening is to become aware that you are in a spiritual slumber that prevents you from getting in touch with your eternal divine nature. Just as bears hibernate through the cold winters, being thus oblivious of their duration, many human beings spiritually ‘hibernatate’ through the precious days of their lives and will keep slumbering on the other side as their soul will have remained too embryonic to be immediately transferred in an upgraded body on the other side.
“If you live with awareness, you will awaken with the same awareness and more. If you live unconsciously, you will remain unconscious until such time as the Providence will make allowances for your ‘resurrection’ from your slumber. Indeed, sadly many souls are already partaking of the slumber of spiritual death while walking the earth. Yours is to determine whether you want to be a ‘dead man walking’—the ghost of your true self—or whether you want to be alive to the fullest—your passport to eternal life.”