The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us think about the meaning of “giving.” The Father is all about giving. The whole creative process is the ultimate act of selfless giving of the Father’s Self. True giving is the sharing with others of oneself”-- wholeheartedly and without holding back. Giving is also going out on a limb; it is making oneself vulnerable to the outworking of the act of giving. Will the gift be well received? Will it be appreciated? Will it be received with Gratitude? Or will it be ignored for lack of ability to identify it as a gift?

“Whenever you give from your heart, your gift is infused by the facts that you are divesting yourself from something which is most precious to you and that you are willing to take a chance. So many of the Father’s gifts are overseen! His gifts are contained in the tiniest particles as well as in the biggest cosmic formations. Yet, so many are failing to see the Father’s loving hand behind the setting of their lives!

“If you set your mind to be open to receive, you will expand your awareness about the content of your life and you will start identifying the Father’s gifts and realizing that His infinite love is expressed in the multitude of His gifts wrapped in Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. This should be the measure of your own gifts: Are they genuine, are they beautiful and are they good? If they match these 3 criteria, they will then unfailingly find their way to others’ hearts and move them very deeply, causing them to want to reciprocate -- to return in kind. Whenever love touches a heart, it triggers a love reflex. The more hearts you can touch with your love, the more life you bring into these hearts as you contribute to their quickening--to their awakening.

“Once a creature discovers that it is able to love, then its take on life changes; everything starts shifting as the creature shifts as well. It recognizes that it should no longer be acting independently from the whole. It recognizes that it belongs to the cosmic family and starts practicing the pooling together of God-given gifts so that they can truly be put to good use -- to the greatest use. The Father will support you in your gift sharing as He meant for you to be the conduits of His love as He is always intent on giving – directly or indirectly.”

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