Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that your heart is like a vessel equipped with a faucet connected to the flow of divine love. Is your faucet open, closed or partially open? Depending on your personal desire to be connected to that Love substance and to share it with others, you are striving daily to turn your faucet to a more open position. It does take effort at first due to the accumulation of handicapping rust.
“The Lucifer Rebellion cut many beings off the divine flow of energy as they asserted that God was not real. Many souls were left behind as humanity started to focus only on what was revealed to them by their physical senses. And whatever remaining love substance was in the human systems became stale in the closed circuits that many human hearts gradually came to embody.
“The good news is that the more you open your love faucet through the combination of your own efforts and the help of your celestial helpers, the easier it will turn to a fully open position. There is always more resistance at the beginning. Then the momentum takes over — especially went a group applies its synergy to the stuck situation.
“Be an open faucet, rather than a faucet that randomly trickles drops of the love substance. Again, it all boils down to being receptive at all layers of your being. Once the way has been opened for the Father’s love to flow full strength through your being, will you truly become a powerful conduit, sharing His love with all kingdoms — human, animal and plant.
“You have seen orchards or fields that are equipped with sprinklers to ensure that they receive adequate moisture. You can become such a love sprinkler! By just intending it, you can do it. Love is activated by higher intentions. The Father is the Holder of all Love and disburses it wisely so that it can be multiplied, rather than squandered. His Love Bank is generous. He freely and wisely invests His love where it will bear the most fruit. It would be unwise to decide to water a whole desert as its thirsty soil would fail to yield immediate fruits.
“It is wiser to first focus on an oasis — an area of the desert that is already green. That green patch can be expanded little by little, gaining more and more territory as the water is wisely dispensed.
“Become such a wise administrator of the Father’s Love. Keep directing your love to areas in need of love and see what happens. See how the love-starved desert will bloom overnight with a myriad of flowers born out of the prickly cacti that were previously its only adornment.”
Edited by Linda Abell.