The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Your breath – in and out it goes; flux and reflux; movement. You cannot go back in your breathing, neither can you skip some breaths and move forward. Each breath is needed to keep your body going at each moment of each day.

“Whenever you focus on your breath, you are in the present moment and you are also in the I AM moment. I AM. It is not I WAS or I SHALL BE. It is I AM. We can only meet in the I AM moment. It seems pretty obvious when you ponder it. The past is locked in the past and the future is pregnant with many possibilities, still to unfold. The Present is where you are NOW and it is the only place in time where you can make a difference. The Present is the theater scene where everything takes place. The present is the connector between the past and the future. It links all these experiences and assures their continuous flow.

“Learn to dwell more and more on each present moment. By doing so, you will expand each moment. It is like packing an empty chest to the rim with meaningful items carefully selected. Each day provides you with its own chest. How are you filling them? As you learn to look at them that way, you will become more selective of what current events you will chose to incorporate in their content. Take only what will be useful to your journey and do not overburden yourself by carrying around memories which are of a perishable nature.

“The more you practice this packing skill, the more you sharpen your focus on items of truth, beauty, and goodness.”

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