Celestial Beings: “Good morning dear child. We hear your petitions and your requests to be in a relationship with each one of us. You already are. Relationships start small and invisibly at first. Whenever you meet someone and feel drawn to that person through his/her energy signature, you start interacting, asking questions about his/her life path, etc. and little by little a clearer picture comes to the fore. It is like sharpening the focus of your camera and discovering more hidden details about that person and these details endear you even more to that person.
“It is good to authentically express yourself, to express what you are about. It is part of giving of yourself, of opening the door and the windows of your soul, of inviting others into your heart space.
“Being receptive happens at many levels – mental and emotional as well. An open mind and an open heart are the catalysts for the expansion of your being. They have to be devoid of prejudgments and prejudices as these can taint the way you perceive others and distort their reality.
“Learn to search for the unique gifts that others haveto offer so that you can emulate them, so that you can learn from their mastery. Learn to sustain and nurture your own gifts so that they too can be signposts for others. All human beings, all creatures, have been equipped with their individual user’s manual. They have to read it first for themselves and fine tune their own being so that it can function optimally. Then they can put themselves in a mode of service once they recognize what they can, in their unique way, contribute to the whole.”