The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, whenever your mind obsesses about a problem, it opens the door to the debilitating emotions of fear and worry. Yet, if you live with awareness, these emotions will become red flags pointing to danger zones or areas under construction.

“This is when it is time to focus on the solution—after having surveyed the problem. Too much precious time is being spent on over focusing on problems and it allows them to claim more territory in your mental and emotional spaces. That makes you feel overwhelmed and that feeling diminishes your faith that you can effectively handle the challenging situations.

“By aligning yourself with the solution—the soul-ution—you create an opening in your mind and you relax in your heart. The solution is the Promised Land, the light at the end of the tunnel. There is always a solution to every problem as the ultimate goal of creation is total harmony.

“Problem areas have not been harmonized yet. They have deep roots in the past and these roots have to be extracted. Underlying many problems are faulty decisions. Therefore, their re-solution has to be aligned with the intended outcome and has to come from outside the problem box.

“Spirit is there to inspire and to bring forth the solutions. By asking Spirit for help, you enlist the assistance of a team of highly experienced and loving collaborators. The universes have been in existence for ages and during these ages, zillions of creatures had to deal with myriads of problematic circumstances. By persevering against all odds, they were able in many cases to turn the tables in their favor and to positively evolve.

“It may appear at times that the fixing requires some breaking as well. A broken bone that has not set correctly due to lack of immediate medical attention has to be broken again in order to be placed in a cast that will ensure that it will find its optimal alignment.

“Learn to objectively look at problems rather than emotionally. It is not easy at first but, by doing so, you will realize that it allows you to think clearly as the emotions of anguish and of fear are foggy emotions that overcast your inner clarity.

“As you open your mind, new guidance can access it. Upon your asking for the assistance of expert problem solvers, your thinking will be positively influenced by those who—due to their own life experiences—already know that this can be done as a multitude of successful precedents have already been set somewhere in the universes.

“You are a baby when you compare your short life span to the age-long lifespan of former human beings who moved to other experiential realms. You are all heading in the same direction and can benefit from already figured out solutions. All these experiences are stored in the Book of Life that is co-authored generations after generations.

“Each one of you has hisown contribution to maketo the whole. Each one of you is a trail breaker at some level and has been equipped to do so. Bless the problems. They too are God-sent, as, without their presence in your life, you would not be challenged to excel. Problems witness to disharmony and as you tackle them one by one, you gain victory over your life challenges and make a meaningful contribution toward the welfare of all those struggling with similar issues.

“Many enthusiastic pioneers are needed to bring about positive changes on the planet. For each problem, there is a solution. For each question mark, there is an answer. Knowing this, yours is to keep walking with faith, courage, and perseverance as it requires time to win these spiritual battles and to grow into optimal health and well-being.”

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