Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, those who believe in a personal Deity are very blessed. So many evolutionary religions are keeping the individual at arms’ length from their Divine Parents by convincing them that, due to their current state of imperfection, They are well out of their league. How sad and disheartening it is to be talked out of entertaining a close and personal connection with your Heavenly Family.
“Why would the Creator gift His offspring with unique personalities? What would be His underlying Intention if it were not to relate very personally with each individual facet of Himself and to experience His creation through an infinite array of individual experiences?
“The Father is not a far aloof Deity, lording over His creatures and only issuing VIP passes to a select few ‘Spiritual Leaders,’ who actually place roadblocks hampering the spiritual progression of their trusting followers by setting limits to their personal achievements, while, as far as the Father is concerned, not even the sky is the limit.
“Your Master Jesus came to proclaim the good news that God is your Father and is intimately involved in each individual life as He bestowed a Fragment of Himself in each one of His creatures with a sound mind. Jesus also chose to live His beautiful life as a layman in order to demonstrate that it is within each individual capacity to establish a soul connection with the Creator—an eternal and unique soul connection.
“If you feelstuck in your spiritual development or that you are progressing at a discouraging snail pace, switch practices. Rituals, ceremonies, and superstitious practices are mostly symbolic and fail to stir the Divine Heart who is not in the business of cutting deals with His creatures.
“The fast track to spirituality happens right where you are—from your open heart to His Heart. No go-betweens are needed as they only dilute the degree of personal revelation and guidance you would be privy to if you went straight to the Source.
“Genuine Love cannot be experienced by proxy. The key to your spiritual growth is the faith that you have in the fact that you can claim your spiritual birthright as a beloved child of the Divine. Claim it and live up to the expectations that the Father has invested in you—that by loving Him, you will also love your siblings as He loves them—unconditionally, without holding back.
“Also, as Jesus taught by His life, no one should self-elevate above others. The greatest Teachers were and are the most humble servants. They serve in Love and such a Love leaves deep imprints in the hearts of those whose life they bless.”