The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought just came to your mind that there is a way to feel divine love. Love is the offspring of the connection between Truth, Beauty and Goodness; you can therefore get in touch with that love substance through its coming to the fore in what is true, beautiful, and good.

“Look at the harmony and vibrancy of nature on a spring day. You experience every year at that time of the rebirth of nature the uplifting mood which is paired with this season of blooms. Not only are the fragile buds emerging from their envelopes, but they are also expressing sweet fragrances. The balmy spring air allows them to float through the air and to infuse it; this triggers a sense of well-being in those who can appreciate such an expression of love in the present moment.

“Truth is also an expression of Love when it is expressed with a loving intention as Truth is a gift since it helps deactivate the misguiding untruths. Be grateful for the expression of divine truth as it is another powerful connection to true Love. As to goodness, it goes straight to your heart. Whenever someone acts toward you with a giving attitude, it pulls at your heart strings and releases love from your own heart as a natural response to that love expression.

“Learn to live a life filled with Truth, Beauty and Goodness. Be truthful, be beautiful in whatever you express from your being, and be good. This is the shortcut to perfecting your being and to become perfect as the Father in Heaven is perfect as He is the Poster Boy for Truth, Beauty and Goodness. Can you even imagine how powerful the love expressed by such a harmonious being is? As you up step these traits within your being, you will notice how entwined they are with one another since they are catalysts for one another—they are triplets; they belongs together. Practice this with awareness and witness what happens in your own life and in the lives you will touch that way.”

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