Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the Truth shall set you free! What a powerful statement it is! Any distortion and misinterpretation of Truth is misguiding those who are the recipient of such lies. They truly keep them in darkness and stunt their evolution toward their higher Self.
“How sad it is that this world has been misguided for so long, starting with the lies of Lucifer and Caligastia. Their concealment and twisting of Truth in order to serve their perceived interest, did them in fact the greatest disservice.
“Living in contradiction with the Principle of Life itself is utterly unproductive and devoid of any sustaining values. Each human being has been gifted with his/her own Truth Detector pursuant to the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus came to set things straight in this world so pervaded by misinterpretations and misunderstandings of divine truth.
“Up to the present time, you can witness how many minds are still subjected to dogmas and beliefs which are holding them and their world back as they are literally swimming against the flow of the Divine vision.
“Sometimes Truth needs to be spoken in uncertain terms so as to be protected from misinterpretations. An uncontaminated, undiluted Truth is powerful in bringing enlightenment to confused minds.
“Truth is truth. Truth is truly untouchable as it radiates a powerful light, like a projector which dispels any darkness and grey areas. Truth does not leave any room for untruth. Untruth is always debatable as it does not stand on a pure foundation. It stands on shaky grounds. This is why it needs such a strong defense. Truth speaks for itself. Lies and untruth have to use their power of persuasion and their influence so as to disguise themselves as truth. However, they cannot stand the tests of time and their results reveal them for the deceivers that they are.
“Lives based on untruth and deception do not bring forth any good fruit and do not bring forth the cohesiveness of Truth, Beauty and Goodness. They do not contribute to peace and harmony as their foundation is self-interest instead of the highest good.
“Learn to stand in your truth, to stick to truth as it is truly the key to the door leading to higher realms where Divine Truth is reigning supreme and where everyone can stand in its amazing light and heartwarming unfolding.”