The Inner Sherpa



“He is the greatest of warriors who overcomes and subdues himself.” [UB1447:03]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you realized for yourself, the answer to any question has ALWAYS something to do with Love as Love is infused in all the creative energies of the universes. Whenever you experience a state of unbalance, stop and go within to figure out why it is so. What does separate you from Love in that specific circumstance or state of mind?

“You are asking about how to overcome obsessive compulsive thinking which deprives you of your peace of mind and heart. Many times human beings obsess about hurt feelings and this obsessive thinking gives rise to resentment, bitterness, and their associates of lower frequencies. This does not feel good and yet these emotions are like quick sands and it seems impossible to disengage oneself from their unwanted pull.

“In order to find the strength to rise above them--to ascend--, it is important to consciously hook yourself up to the high emotions of Love and of Gratitude, its sibling. Gratitude provides you with the wings to ascend to Love. An attitude of gratitude provides you with a wonderful protective shield which, even though you are still aware of the circumstances in your life that you would like to transmute, very effectively protects you against their sting, granting you immunity.

“Every challenging situation can be turned into a precious offering to the Father. It is like turning coal into gold as gratitude has the power of a magic wand. Whenever you feel challenged by your obsessive thinking and the attached emotions, turn to Gratitude and offer to the Father the pain you feel in your heart after wrapping it in Gratitude.

“From your previous life experiences, you well know that each challenge is teaching you a precious lesson of self-mastery. How could you become a master of your emotions if you were not able to master your thinking as well? Your Master Jesus had to walk that very same path and His life on this world was packed with intense challenges at many levels – personal and public. By going within and asking Him to be your shepherd and your guide, you will become open to His experiential guidance, to the sharing of His methods for overcoming similar human challenges.

“The worldly wars are the reflections of the inner wars raging in each human being. As it has been stated over and over, be the change you want to see in the world. Jesus embodied the change of attitude He wanted to see in the world so as to bring peace to its planet.

“It is helpful to relax when faced with stress-filled challenges as they cannot be resolved from a perspective of stress. The answers come to you when your mind is anchored in peace, the Peace that passes all understanding, the most precious resource available to you upon asking and being receptive to it. A state of mental peace makes room for clear thinking while a state of mental turmoil is never able to disentangle the knots of a complex situation. Stillness is the answer. Stillness is your inner harbor of peace, your inner sanctuary, always available to you so that you can consult with Higher Authorities. Take advantage of these higher consulting services as they are both free and priceless. Be in peace!”

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