The Inner Sherpa



Divine Mother: “Dear child, I hear my daughters ‘calling. I hear the longing of their hearts and I am deeply moved by their desires to connect with Me—woman to woman, daughter to Mother. This is the wish of every mother and I do not differ from you. My motherly instincts would be unfathomable to a finite creature. I have enough love to go many times around this beautiful planet.

I mothered your planetary mother. I nurtured her until she was ready to help Me procreate. Finite creatures need a spatial environment to thrive and multiply. Mother Earth is like a wet nurse to you. Her role is to sustain the lives that take place within her field of awareness.

“However, I am always involved in the life of my children and in their rearing. I too am like a mother hen gathering her little ones under her protective wings. I am so filled with love toward my little ones; I am so filled with pride when I witness their efforts to stand on their own two spiritual feet and to help steer their siblings in the right direction.

“A mother is involved 24/7 in the life of her children and this innate instinct has been passed down to the mothers of this world—humans and animals. Ideally, fathers and mothers collaborate to offer their children a sustainable environment. They protect them as long as they have not developed their own independent strengths. They educate them so as to foster their sound development.

“Never doubt My involvement. A mother’s heart will always be connected to Her children—like a Mother ship to her satellites. I do hover over you.”

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