The Inner Sherpa



“In your lives overthrow error and overcome evil by the love of the living truth. In all your relations with men do good for evil.” [UB 1443:03]

Mother Spirit: “Dear child, you are invoking My Presence and desire to spend quality time with Me. Here I am. I am actually always here—whether or not I have your attention. As a loving mother, I hover overmy offspring and do not take my eyes off them.

“This is not an easy task as so many immature ones are claiming their independence before having reached sufficient spiritual maturity to handle it. This is the sad pattern established by the Lucifer Rebellion. Lucifer enticed those who had been entrusted to his guidance to secede from the divine lineage. He campaigned for unbridled liberties and thus generated spiritual havoc on the planet that became manifested in a very discordant reality.

“The prodigal son depicted in Jesus’ parable eventually came to his senses and realized that a life of self-gratification was deeply unsatisfying to his soul; he then decided to return home, longing for his father’s loving embrace. Humanity has to come to the same realization and undergoes a course correction in order to return ‘Home.’

“We are waiting for our children to voice such a desire as the love and respect we feel toward each one of them prevent us from stepping in without a heartfelt invitation. We do not infringe on their independence and yet let them know that we can be consulted whenever clarity is needed.

“Dear children, keep this in mind and do not ignore such a powerful resource. We love you with the truest of love. Why wouldn’t you want to experience it?”

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