The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear child, as you are connecting with us and asking us to convey meaningfuland nurturing higher teachings, the image came to your mind of a stubborn little seedling that is able to pierce through the tiny cracks of concrete. Indeed, this is how Spirit works.

“Spirit knows where the tiniest access points are located in your being and wisely and efficiently It will focus on these weak areas in your self-built shield. These weak areas are actually your areas of strength—the soft areas of your being that are receptive to higher input.

“Human beings are very resilient. As they reach out in love and kindness to others, they also have to ensure that they are not letting down their self-protective guard as there is much hostility on this planet. In spite of the hazardous life environment, do not allow these circumstances to shut your heart down as it would greatly hamper your soul growth. A soul has to become more and more imbibed with love and peace in order to come to full bloom. Love and peace are truly its fertilizers.

"Do not allow lower emotions to poison the goodness of your soul and to contaminate it to such a point that it shrivels and loses its God-given beauty. Declare war to these impish emotions! Kick them out of your being as you would kick out anyone who trespasses in your home. Send out heartfelt invitations to the higher emotions that give you a spiritual makeover. As you develop more and more awareness about the quality of your emotional state, it will become easier and faster to identify any feelings of 'dis-ease' and of 'un-ease'.

"When you are in the divine flow, you experience the most sublime quality of inner peace—a peace that cannot be disturbed by any emotional parasites. Learn to practice such a state of peace as it does take practice. You may get glimpses of it at times; develop the ability to recall these moments so that you can increasingly expand upon them. When you feel at peace, all is well in your world and, as you develop this amazing peaceful presence within you, you become a commanding presence as well, as each soul is longing for peace and will turn like a sunflower toward those who emanate such a peace. Peace is like a wonderful fragrance that speaks deeply to everyone at the soul level. May such a peace have a powerful ripple effect!”

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