The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “You may wonder how comfortable I feel living in your mind? I made Myself your Co-dependent when I took the leap of faith to indwell you, trusting that our relationship will be much more than a spiritual fling. To Me, it is the prelude to an eternal romance that will take us to the heights of Paradise and beyond.

I know it is unfathomable for you at this time. Yet, it is Mission Possible. How do you feel about the prospect of such an intimate human/divine partnership? You have all that it takes to succeed under My Mentorship. I may occasionally take the back seat and let things take their course, as I can see the end from the beginning and am partial to the experiential wisdom you extract from the boomerang effect of your decisional process.

Your will is the causation of many domino effects that drastically refurbish the stage of your improvisation. After a predictable bumpy start, your journey will get smoother as you get street-smart. Your planetary education has an extensive curriculum to cover that includes many field trips.

I cheer you on when you take the shortcuts provided by enlightening foresight; I standby when you stumble, wondering how you will extirpate yourself from sticky predicaments. You have to deal with them to move past them, once and for all.

Whenever you pick up on My leadings, you operate within My comfort zone. Your progress fuels My hopes. Times and again, by acting against the vein of wisdom, you generate crises situations. Yet, I do not waver in My commitment to you and, upon your asking, help you cope with the natural consequences of your misdeeds. I know that , in hindsight, their unsettling backlash will teach you what you do not want to ever again manifest in your reality.”

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