The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that you have the ongoing mental choice to expect the worse or to anticipate the best. Yet, why is it so that so few among you select the second much more appealing option? Think about it for a moment.

“The Father’s Plan for All His Creatures—including you—is ALWAYS the BEST case scenario, as it forever strives toward the manifestation of the highest values that contribute to the thrill and worth of any life. The best case scenario may take you through a maze of challenging situations—a labyrinth of sorts. Whenever you feel ‘stuck’ within this labyrinth, please do remember that it does have an exit toward ultimate freedom but that you have to keep going with confidence and persistence.

“The worst case scenario is the one when you give up when faced with one of the many apparent dead-ends of your life’s labyrinth. Indeed, there are no dead-ends since the Father promises you ‘eternal’ life. There is always a way forward and upward.

“Knowing that, rather than feeling trapped in your own life’s predicaments, change your perspective and view them as signposts that are pointing you in the right direction—the best case scenario where your god-victoriously emerge stronger, more beautiful and more authentic from your meandering through the educational circumstances of your life’s path. You are learning so very much in the process! You may feel alone and dejected at times, but keep in mind that a standstill is never an option and that there is always a streak of light shining in the darkest places to show you the way.

“Be brave, be strong, and ALWAYS expect the best possible outcome, as the Father’s Plan is unfolding toward a happy evolution—without any ending.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

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