The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Each one of you is a powerful being by divine birthright. Yet, frequently, due to lack of awareness, these personal powers are undetected and underutilized. Human beings have recognized that they have ‘Will Power;’ Yet, they do not fully realize the extent of such a power.

“You witness all over your world the destructive consequences of misguided will power but fail to recognize how to put such a powerful force to the service of humankind—including yourself.

“The Father’s Will Power is what set everything in motion. Instead of keeping it greedily to Himself and lording Himself over His creation, He shared His DNA with His creatures, wishing for them to grow into God-likeliness. How could it be possible without sharing His Will Power with them?

“Stop and ponder this for a moment. Realize that you have been ‘empowered’ by the very gift of free will. How are you using such a great gift? Does it serve your highest good and the one of humanity? Or are you debasing it by using it for selfish ends and turning such a wonderful blessing into a curse?

“This very realization could help you turn your life around. By reclaiming your power, you are no longer subjecting yourself to be victimized by other’s misguided will. Are areas of your life are in need of reformation? How do you reclaim these lost inner territories?

“Dear ones, have a positive vision for your life and take action to manifest it. Rather than being overwhelmed by the task at hand, rejoice about the thrilling possibilities and about the welcome changes that you—and only you—can bring into your life’s panorama. “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Do not helplessly surrender such a power. Rather, own to it and you will be amazed by the transformative power associated with it—another power that is yours to claim.”

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