The Inner Sherpa



“There is a Higher Guidance monitoring your life and nudging you in the right direction at each crossroad of your free will decisions. You have received free will independence and, obviously, it is fraught with danger zones. Will you proceed forward on the Highway to Heaven, or will you fail to see the road posts or misinterpret them?

Many among you shy away from treacherous terrain and withdraw in their comfort zone. Yet, frequently the Promised Land lays beyond the scope of your current horizon and asks of you to take leaps of faith—to take chances.

Why is it so? Were you never facing difficult decisions, how could you flex your faith muscles, which are also connected to your courage muscles. Yet, even though you may have to take a multitude of weighty decisions along your life’s journey, you benefit from a Guidance System.

At times, you feel utterly alone when you realize the extended ripple effect of those decisions that are indeed life-changers: choosing a career, choosing a partner, and much more. For those of you who are not yet aware of the greater cosmic picture, such turning points are indeed very stressful and, unless they can turn to trusted ones for guidance, they feel very alone in it.

The Spirit of Counsel is here to provide you with higher input. There are also safeguards in place to block some decisions that would be very incompatible with the Divine Vision for your life’s purpose. Being spiritually very immature, there is are invisible boundaries to your freedom.

Whenever things do not work out as foreseen and your intentions are met with resistance, it may be the universe telling you that you are not in the flow. Remember the games you played as children where you were guided blindfolded toward the object of your quest. Your playmates would guide you by telling you whether you were getting warmer or colder—on or off track.

If you learn to ask for higher guidance, be certain that it will be provided to you one way or another. If your initial plans encounter insurmountable obstacles, they are not in alignment with the Father’s Vision for your life. Roadblocks are not always meant to be moved out of the way, as some of them act as guardrails to protect you from falling in dizzying precipices.”

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