The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “It is difficult for many of you to lead a consistent spiritual life because you are distracted by the many stimuli of your five physical senses. 

You live in a material world full of wonders. Material gravity keeps you earthbound, causing many to experience a strong fear of heights. What about spiritual heights? It works differently. 
Your soul experiences the pull of the spiritual gravity of the First Source and Center, a guarantee that you will make your way Home once you stop resisting and yield to Its Force of attraction.
The process of ascension draws you upward and Godward. Once you start experiencing this defiance of physical gravity, you get a taste of the bliss of a spiritual high and long for more. Yes, the Father wishes you to become addicted to spending time in His omnipresence. How ironic it is that He seems to play hard to get! 
It all has to do with YOUR focus—not His. By turning within, you disengage for a while from the material world and get to discover and explore unknown inner territories. You reemerge more peaceful and stable and start transferring your inner realizations to your outer world in how you conduct your life.
Your inner musings provide you with a subtle color palette with which you can beautify your world. Truth, beauty, and goodness are its primary colors and you can blend them in so many secondary hues with the brushes of empathy and compassion. Do not repress such co-creative urges! You hold the paintbrush. Put it to its intended use by infusing your surroundings with your artistic flair.”

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