The Inner Sherpa



Divine Mother: “Dear child, thank you for being eager to get to know Me better. I am like the shawl on your shoulders—discretely keeping you warm and comfortable. I am closer to you than you can fathom. I am your Mother. I participated in your conception and each original conception was immaculate; it was conceived with Holy Love for a Holy Purpose.

“On your planet, fathers and mothers play very different roles in the raising of their family. They each exert powerful influences on their family; they each display different traits of character that are complementary. They are meant to work as a team—a partnership. This is how I collaborate with Christ Michael. Eons ago, we entered into a divine partnership. It naturally evolved as we accumulated a multitude of experiences that kept expanding our Beings as well as our relationship.

“I have a spiritual flavor that I can convey to my beloved daughters. I am a free being and long to see my daughters liberated from the shackles that have been imposed upon them by ignorant societies. My daughters have so much to give; there is so much beauty in the feminine. Women long to be free to share more of their innermost; they have been created to express love to their family and the quality of their love has a huge impact—whether they are aware of it or not.

“Yes, dear daughters, I am here for you; you can turn to Me any time and consult with Me whenever you want to know what is the right thing to do. You have to think in terms of the highest good of your family—so do I.

“I have a lot of faith in my daughters. I feel the stirrings of their heart. I hear their plights for help. I witness their courage in face of adversities. I see them trip and quickly regain their balance. I see them exhibiting much courage and fortitude as so many of them are the light bearers for their family as well as their anchor.

“Anchor yourself in me, dear ones. My motherly arms can contain all of you and we can spend together much-deserved quality time where I will refresh your soul and wipe away your tears. Each warrior deserves R&R. I am that rest station; I am the comforting arms to hold my weary children. I am lovingly watching over each one of you. Do not doubt that fact. Turn to Me and you will know that I am already there.”

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